Book 18, Chapter 40 - Allfiend World (Teaser)

“Don’t overstate things. This red-haired kid has just touched upon spacetime; he can be considered to have just barely gained a basic level of insight into it.” Subhuti sighed. “Still…I’ve finally found a suitable successor to the supreme skills I developed, just as the great tribulation has arrived. It seems the heavens have taken pity on me.”

Crazy Ji nodded as well.

All of Subhuti’s disciples believed that their second brother, Crazy Ji, had become the true heir and successor to their master’s skills. This wasn’t wrong; Crazy Ji had learned all of Subhuti’s Buddhist techniques and Daoist techniques, as well as even the [Dream of the Three Realms]. Naturally, Crazy Ji had long ago reached the Daofather level, and was ranked as the highest authority amongst the countless Arhats of the Buddhist Sangha.

Crazy Ji himself knew very well, however, that the true supreme technique of his master, Patriarch Subhuti…was a supreme spacetime technique.

The reason why Subhuti was able to be so mysterious was precisely because his mastery over spacetime was absolutely astonishing. Other Daofathers couldn’t even locate his ‘Crescent’ major world, thanks to his utterly amazing control over spacetime.

“Master has finally found a successor for his supreme technique. It seems as though the heavens are on our side,” Crazy Ji said.

“The heavens?”

Subhuti raised his head to glance towards the skies. “The Seamless Gate’s ‘king’ ended up merging himself into the Dao of the Heavens. My Crescent world is governed by the Dao of the Heavens as well. The other Daofathers might not be able to find it, but the Seamless Gate’s ‘king’…he might not have been able to find it before fusing with the Dao of the Heavens, but now, by relying on the Dao of the Heavens, he can. This means that the living creatures...

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