Book 16, Chapter 12 - No Way Out (Teaser)

After using the Heavenly Transformations technique and [Three Heads, Six Arms], Ji Ning’s power had increased substantially. He was able to just barely fend off those ten black-caped warriors, but maintaining this state resulted in his divine power being continuously depleted.

“He’s actually still able to hold on?” This caused the distant, violet-caped warrior to frown. He immediately ordered, “The entire squad, go and capture this alien!”


Accompanied by a series of roars, a total of ninety massive black-caped warriors flew towards Ji Ning’s direction. This caused Ning’s face to instantly change. “They really are giving me no chance at all. A hundred Celestial Immortals…how am I supposed to withstand them?” Although all of these foes focused on close combat, meaning that only a number of them were able to engage with him at any given moment, they clearly had some sort of mysterious combination formation technique; the more warriors that joined, the more powerful each black-caped warrior grew.

“Senior bear, what should I do?” Ning asked frantically, “Are there any options? If I hide in the underwater estate, can I survive this tribulation?”

“It’s useless.” The giant yellow bear was both frantic and helpless. “If you hide inside the...

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