Book 11, Chapter 23 - Fivecraze Arrives (Teaser)

“Master, has Princess Xiyue taken a fancy to you? She’s so nice to you. She even brought you to the royal estate and had you live here.” After they entered the Immortal estate, Little Qing could no longer refrain from beginning to jabber at Ji Ning.

“Ning, son, this princess is indeed treating you quite well. I feel as though she is being sincere,” the Whitewater Hound said as well.

Ning just grinned, not explaining. The fact that his cousin’s name was Yuchi Xiyue was a major secret which she had never before revealed to her servants or spirit-beasts. Naturally, Ning wouldn’t reveal it either. Although his spirit-beasts were absolutely loyal to him, sometimes… just because a person didn’t want to reveal a secret, didn’t mean it wouldn’t end up being revealed anyhow. For example, weren’t the members of the Yuchi clan all soul-scoured?

“We’ve already established ourselves here, at the imperial capital of the Grand Xia,” Ning said. “Next, we’ll just stay for a time here at King Yan’s Estate, awaiting the Conclave of Immortal Destiny.”

“Ning, son, at the Heavenly Treasures Mountain, you suppressed many challengers with your financial might, spending 2.5 million kilograms of liquefied elemental essence to buy the peacock plumes. I trust that word of this will quickly spread, and more and more people within the imperial capital will know of you. Soon, I imagine,...

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