Chapter 89 - The Eccentric God Hand (Teaser)

Chapter 89 - The Eccentric God Hand

“That’s right! The ability to open the profound entrances, by using only one finger! This must be the legendary ‘One Finger Profound Opening’! My heavens! I never would have expected that I would actually be fortunate enough to witness this profound medical technique in this lifetime!” An elderly doctor shouted with a face full of excitement.

“It was rumored that our Blue Wind Empire’s top doctor, Gu Qiuhong, could help profound practitioners perforate their Sunflower Dew, Vacant Seed, and Heart Gate profound entrances postnatally. However, he was definitely unable to use the ‘One Finger Profound Opening’! This person…… He is most likely an unparalleled genius doctor that even exceeds Gu Qiuhong!”

All the doctors present were visibly excited. Their eyes trembled and they nearly lost control of their feelings. Xiao Tiannan frowned and said: “‘One Finger Profound Opening’, what does that mean?”

The Branch Sect Medicine Hall’s Head Elder, Doctor Xiao Baicao came forward and said: “Sect Master, you don’t practice medicine so you might not know. This ‘One Finger Profound Opening’ is actually the medical field’s ultimate technique. It only requires one finger to be able to quickly open a profound practitioner’s profound entrance postnatally! Sect Master naturally knows how difficult and dangerous it is to open a profound entrance postnatally. Unless one is extremely well versed in the human body and has reached the pinnacle of medical knowledge proficiency, it would definitely be impossible to accomplish. Also, in the entire Profound...

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