Chapter 682 - Reunion (2) (Teaser)

Chapter 682 - Reunion (2)

“No!” Yun Che shook his head hard. He looked at Xiao Lie’s blurry eyes and eagerly said, “Grandfather, do you remember that I mentioned ‘Illusory Demon Realm ’after I saved you and Little Aunt from the Burning Heaven Clan?”

“I remember.” Xiao Lie closed his eyes lightly. “That is a very far… an incredibly far place.”

“Back then I told Grandfather that my biological parents are from Illusory Demon Realm. They didn’t get caught by those villains and returned safely back to Illusory Demon Realm in the end, so Grandfather’s biological grandson must have also returned there with them safely. I also promised Grandfather that one day I would find a way to go to Illusory Demon Realm and reunite Grandfather with your own biological grandson. Grandfather, do you know where the Primordial Profound Ark took me during the three years that I was out of contact?”

Xiao Lie, “...”

“It was the Illusory Demon Realm!” Yun Che said loudly, “This must be the arrangement of the heavens. Not long after I arrived there, I found my biological parents!”

As soon as Yun Che said that, Xiao Lie’s weak body shook in response, and his unfocused, blurry eyes immediately started trembling with strange light. “Che’er… what you said… what you just said… is that true?!!”

Back then, his grandson followed Yun...

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