Chapter 396 - Collecting a Debt Along the Way (Teaser)

Chapter 396 - Collecting a Debt Along the Way

The Snow Phoenix rose straight into the sky, reaching up to the height of ten thousand meters in the high skies. In a blink of an eye, they had already left the boundaries of Blue Wind Imperial City.

Yun Che took out the map of the Profound Sky Continent which Cang Yue had prepared for him, and estimated the distance between Blue Wind Imperial City and Divine Phoenix City… The territory of Divine Phoenix Empire was huge, it was nearly twenty times the size of the Blue Wind Nation. Even if the Snow Phoenix were to fly fifteen to sixteen hours per day with its speed, it would still take a dozen of days before reaching Divine Phoenix City.

“...It’s actually this far!” Yun Che groaned in a low voice. He had initially thought by setting out a month in advance, he would be considered to have incomparably sufficient time, and would still have ample time to move around in Divine Phoenix City. However, since he had never seen the map of the Profound Sky Continent before, he had evidently misjudged the distance between Blue Wind Imperial city and Divine Phoenix City.

After staring at the territory of Divine Phoenix Empire for a short while, Yun Che’s gaze once again returned to Blue Wind Empire. After stopping his eyes at the southwestern lands for a short while, he fixed on a single spot… He let out a single strange cold laugh, closed the map, and then flew at wind-breaking speed.


With Sorrowsouth Mountain at the back, and the Southsky River on the right, the location of...

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