Chapter 360 - Phoenix Flames, Frozen End (3) (Teaser)

Chapter 360 - Phoenix Flames, Frozen End (3)

Xia Qingyue answered: “It is my personal wish, and also the sect’s intention. He is after all, my husband. As his wife, I cannot just turn a cold shoulder. He and my sect are well acquainted, and he has also done favors for my sect. Our Palace Mistress expected that after Burning Heaven Clan is annihilated, Senior would definitely act, thus she requested Qingyue to make sure she come here, and ask Senior to grant our sect a little face. Palace Mistress promises that she’ll definitely visit the Heavenly Sword Villa to pay her gratitude at a future date.”

Surprise flashed through Ling Tianni’s face. He hadn't expected that Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace would actually use the sect’s name in order to save Yun Che. But after exchanging blows with Yun Che for a while, he had felt shock and dread in his heart several times, and had already decided that Yun Che absolutely could not be spared, otherwise, the future troubles would be endless.

“I naturally wouldn’t view the honorable Immortal Palace’s face as nothing, but Yun Che’s sins are overwhelmingly heinous, and he definitely cannot be spared.”

Xia Qingyue let out a faint sigh, and the Ice Phoenix Snowflower Ribbon fell from the sky, circling and dancing around her body of ice: “Since Senior insist on doing so, then forgive this junior for her offense.”

As Xia Qingyue’s voice fell, the Ice Phoenix Snowflower...

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