Chapter 177 - Dual Dragon Extermination (Teaser)

Chapter 177 - Dual Dragon Extermination

Yun Che was very clear about what the consequences of Jasmine attacking would be. He also clearly remembered the scene at the time, where Jasmine’s soul had almost scattered after she attacked the Flame Dragon. But these two Flood Dragons absolutely could not compare to the Flame Dragon, and with the purification of the Sky Poison Pearl over this period of time, Jasmine’s current state was much better than before; striking out and killing these two Flood Dragons may cause the purification from this period of time to be wasted, but at least there wouldn’t be the danger of her soul scattering.

And if she doesn’t strike out, Little Fairy’s life will be in danger. After the Frozen Cloud Domain faded, she had already clearly found herself in a disadvantaged position.

Yun Che was just about to continue persuading Jasmine, when the voice of the male Flood Dragon suddenly sounded from the distant skies: “Human, your strength is weakening. It appears you reached your limit just now; a half-step from the Emperor Profound Realm, is merely so.”

The female Flood Dragon’s voice also sounded haughtily: “Insignificant human, you’re not fit to contend with our dragon race. Your futile attempt to obtain a share of the Dragon God’s treasure will only end in your destruction!...

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