Chapter 155 - Two Invitation Letters (Teaser)

Chapter 155 - Two Invitation Letters

“Why must I avoid this person?” Although Yun Che had already vaguely guessed the reason, he still asked while frowning.

“In the previous Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, Princess Cang Yue personally showed up to watch the fights. As for how charming Princess Cang Yue was, I suspect there’s no need for me to give unnecessary details. Furthermore, at the time, Princess Cang Yue wore a luxurious rosy cloud dress and an purple-gold phoenix coronet. Even though she’s quite young, her beauty still overwhelmed everyone present and captivated the hearts of numerous young outstanding talents. Amongst them was Fen Juecheng.”

“After the previous Blue Wing Ranking Tournament ended, Fen Juecheng did not immediately return to the Burning Heaven Clan. He instead arrived at the Blue Wind Imperial City to seek attendance from the Emperor and sought for the hand in marriage of Princess Cang Yue… At that time, the Emperor did not consent to his request. However, he also did not refuse him. Instead, he tried to evade the issue with the excuse that Princess Cang Yue was too young for marriage. In actuality, the Emperor was roused by the proposal. Fen Juecheng was, after all, the young master of the Burning Heaven Clan, and was extremely probable to succeed the Burning Heaven Clan’s Clan Master....

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