Chapter 137 - Sound Transmission Jade (Teaser)

Chapter 137 - Sound Transmission Jade

“Is it really that amazing?” Yun Che said in shock. The first stage of cultivation could already increase one’s arm strength by one thousand five hundred kilos, and the third stage increases it by ten thousand kilos…. Then if one reaches the highest twelfth stage, couldn’t they split the heavens and earth with a single fist?

“Raising one’s strength is only one of the effects of the ‘Great Way of the Buddha’. If it was only capable of this much, how would it be worthy of the title “Forbidden Heavenly Tome”. After cultivating the ‘Great Way of the Buddha’, no matter the inside or the outside, your body would be completely reborn. Not only will your physical body’s strength increase by a great degree, the extent of your physical body’s toughness will also greatly soar. At that time, even if you don’t protect yourself with profound energy, it would still be very difficult for others to harm your body. The higher the realm, the tougher the body; after reaching a high enough realm, your body, veins, organs, or even the most fragile of all, eyes, would become as tenacious as fine steel.”

“At the same time, your body will possess an extremely strong power of self-regeneration; the higher the realm, the greater the power. After Big Brother cultivated the “Great Way of the Buddha” to the sixth stage, for grievous...

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